共有意思決定(Shared decision making、以下SDM)とは、医療者と患者が例えばある治療についての情報を共有し、治療の選択や決定にむけて意思を共有していく過程で1)、意思決定のパターンの一つになります。SDMを進めていくうえでは、臨床の場では患者と医療者間のコミュニケーションが非常に重要になります。しかし患者が日本語を母語としない外国人の場合は、お互いの意志疎通が図れずに、SDMを行ううえで多くの困難さがあると考えます2)。実際に在留外国人に同行して診察の場面を観察したところ、お互いの会話がほとんどないケース、「先生にお任せします」と全てを医師に選択と決定をゆだねるケースがみられました。
Shared decision-making is one type of decision making process which is defined by a 2-way information exchange between physician and the patient, followed by discussion of treatment preferences by both parties until they reach consensus on a treatment decision1). Patient-physician communication is very important for SDM. However, patient with low Japanese proficiency have difficulties to communicate physicians which is barrier to SDM. This project aims to develop effective educational program for community health care workers who can able to understand and skills to support SDM.
分かったこと ―RESULTS
- Charles C, Gafni A, Whelan T. Shared decision-making in the medical encounter: what does it mean? (or it takes at least two to tango). Soc Sci Med., 44(5):681-692, 1997.
- McCleskey SG, Cain CL. Improving End-of-Life Care for Diverse Populations: Communication, Competency, and System Supports. Am J Hosp Palliat Care., 36(6):453-459, 2019. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6786269/