地域保健情報学Community Health Communication


―Supporting health literacy among older adults from diverse culture and linguistic background

研究概要 ―Summary of projects


Number of foreign residents living in Japan increase every year, and majority of them are “permanent residents/special permanent residents”. In addition, average age of Chinese returnees (after World War 2) are 65 years old. It means number of older adults from diverse culture and linguistic backgrounds (DCLB) are increasing in Japan. It has already evidenced that health literacy of older adults and ethnic minority groups is lower. Therefore, the projects aims to develop support system for older adults from DCLB to improve their health literacy.

研究資金 ―Grants/Supports

  • <2015-2017年度>科研基盤(C): 言語的マイノリティ高齢者のヘルスリテラシー向上のための地域支援プログラムの開発(研究代表者:相原洋子)

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C): Development of community support system for improving health literacy of linguistic minority older adults.

  • <2018-2021年度>科研基盤(C): マイノリティ高齢者のヘルスリテラシー支援のための地域包括ケアのモデル構築(研究代表者:相原洋子)

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C): Development of community care system for supporting health literacy of linguistic minority older adults.

―Development of educational program about shared decision making to community health and care workers

研究概要 ―Summary of projects


Person-centered care is basic component of community integrated care system. Person-centered care is defined as respectful and responsiveness of individual’s care needs and values. Recent medical education focuses on “shared decision making” which interpersonal process where medical professionals and patient collaborate to make decisions using best available evidence as well as patient preferences and lived experience. However, little research on experience and impact of shared-decision making amongst community health and care workers. The projects aim to effective educational program to promote understanding and performance of shared decision making among community health workers.

研究資金 ―Grants/Supports

  • <2021年度>公益財団法人在宅医療助成勇美記念財団 在宅医療研究への助成一般公募: 在留外国人高齢者の在宅療養と在宅看取りに向けた訪問看護師の役割(申請者:山根香代子、共同研究者:相原洋子)